Competition Results
It has become an expectation that students from Parkes High School will excel in the academic competitions, both in achievement of academic success and in the number of students wishing to push themselves out of their comfort zone and improve their academic performance.
Twenty Four students participated in 2018, some in only one or two, and others in up to seven competitions.
Special mention must be made of Ms Genevieve Bland who earned three high distinctions: in Science, Mathematics and English; two distinctions (in Digital Technologies and the Australian Mathematics competition; and one credit (for the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition) – a truly remarkable performance.
14 other distinctions were earned (Tynan Matthews, Alex Williams, Libby Hoyle, Alley Gaut, Calvin Matthews, Nina Gaut, Emily Neems, Heidi Parkin, Richard Gaut, and Gabriel Goodrick), and 38 credits (Trefor Robinson, Tynan Matthews, Christopher Cox, Calvin Matthews, Alex Williams, Alley Gaut, Libby Hoyle, Rachel Ostler, Nina Gaut, Jordan Moody, Emily Neems, Joseph Tanswell, Hannah Dun, Richard Gaut, Geordie Duncan, Gabriel Goodrick).
A High Distinction is awarded to students in the top 1% of entries, a Distinction to the next 10% and a Credit to the next 25%. Considering these competitions are International, with thousands of students participating across Australia and twenty other countries, this is an extraordinary effort.
Congratulations should also be extended to students who participated but did not receive a higher award. By participating in the competitions, students become familiar with test environments and improve in their ability to read and answer questions. These skills improve results in regular examinations. Students receive achievement awards for each competition they enter as they are representing the school and challenging themselves academically. These awards contribute towards their gold pins, and can be used to work towards their platinum pin.