For all PHS uniform prices - please click uniform shop on the left.
PHS Uniform Shop 2025
Dates and times:
Tues 4th - Wed 5th Feb 9am - 3pm
then every school day 9am - 3.30pm
School uniform policy
Persistent refusal to wear uniform will be discussed at an interview with parents/ caregivers and further action then decided.
Financial assistance is available for school uniform by contacting Mrs Carter at the school.
All students participating in practical components of sport and PDHPE are required to change into their joggers for that class only. Students must change back into their leather shoes at the end of the lesson.
Uniform and workplace, health and safety
Parkes High School is a ‘uniform school' where students are expected to be in full school uniform every day. Our uniform is functional and distinctive and helps students to dress neatly and to identify with the school.
Our students and their families are to be commended on their efforts in ensuring that they are adhering to the uniform requirements.
The greatest number of injuries to students occurs due to "slips, trips and falls". We will continue to focus upon the wearing of safe, sturdy shoes which meet WH&S requirements in specialist rooms including kitchens, science labs and workshops. Additionally for the safety of students in the playgroundand at sport, the following footwear requirements will apply to all students.
Acceptable school shoes:
- school shoes must be made of a sturdy leather and offer adequate support to the foot (no canvas-type, ballet-type dolly shoes or boat shoes).
- The shoe must cover the entire upper section of the foot to protect against falling objects or spilt liquids.
- The shoe must be completely black (including the sole and laces) with no brandings or logos.
Please note: hi-tops or gym boots are not acceptable.
Acceptable sport shoes:
- on Sport day and for PE lessons, students will be permitted to continue to wear appropriate, closed supportive sport shoes/runners, however these must be proper exercise shoes, not canvas gym boots or slip-on shoes.
It is a WHS requirement that students wear closed in leather shoes for protection during practical lessons. Students will not be able to participate in practical classes unless correct footwear is worn. Students will be given alternative work to do while the practical work is carried out.
If a family is unable to provide the school uniform for their child, please contact the school and a confidential arrangement can be made to provide assistance to families with genuine problem.
- A medical certificate does not override the WH&S legislation.
- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) requirement is mandatory. PPE requirement is a condition of entry into the workshop or laboratory and was developed by undertaking a risk management exercise.
- A teacher or the Principal who knowingly permits persons to enter without the necessary PPE could open themselves and the Department to fines and prosecution by WorkCover.
- Footwear is an important safety item. Good soles provide a sound grip on the floor preventing accidents from occurring. Footwear can also protect feet from mechanical or chemical damage.
It is mandatory that students carrying out practical activities using chemicals or equipment in schools wear enclosed leather footwear.
Please see the NSW DEC footwear guidelines(PDF 229KB).