At Parkes High School, wellbeing is considered to be the degree to which a student is functioning effectively in the school community and maximising their potential.
Wellbeing is a sustainable state of positive mood and attitude, resilience and satisfaction with self, relationships and experiences at school. Well-being is the balance of resources, skills and positive attributes, and challenges faced individually. This includes cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual well-being considered as components of one overall, whole, state of well-being.
Our Wellbeing team:
DP Wellbeing - Ms C Coates
HT Wellbeing - Ms J Welsh
Year 12 Year Advisor - Ms J Welsh
Year 11 Year Advisor - Mr W Murray
Year 10 Year Advisor - Ms T Laing
Year 9 Year Advisor - Mr J Dumas
Year 8 Year Advisor - Ms S McLachlan
Year 7 Year Advisor - Ms H Kemp
Student Support Officer - Mr J Grosvenor
School Chaplain - Mr C Pridham
School Counsellor - Ms E Kelly
Every week we have a whole-school wellbeing focus.