Student monitoring and resolution system
The system aims to address student behaviour in a proactive way rather than a reactive one and aims to drive the key philosophy of student ownership and responsibility to resolve any matters that may arise within their classes concerning behaviour. The system also strengthens that vital relationship between staff and students to work together to guide the student to success in addressing behaviour with the staff member. It does not promote punitive measures which may have been the hall marks of discipline systems that you or I were familiar with when we went to school. The system was designed by staff, parents and students.
The first two tiers of the new system are based in faculties (green and orange). The red and blue tiers are utilised by the Deputy Principal to resolve behavioural challenges and also to monitor students who return from suspension, truancy, consume tobacco products on school grounds, or may be experiencing issues across several key learning areas. Head Teachers can also utilise a yellow card to address issues that arise in the playground at recess or lunch times.
Major behavioural issues such as fighting, cyber bullying, disrespectful behaviour and defiance issues are addressed directly through the Deputy Principals and the Suspension Policy of the school.
This system has an enormous range of benefits for students who have to engage the system because of behavioural issues. These include:
- students are monitored only from the area in which the problem has been experienced
- students are engaged with a reflective practice and meeting with staff prior to when a monitoring and resolution card is issued
- students nominate how they will return their behaviour to a level of respect, responsibility or safety and play a key role in the planning process to address the issue
- the monitoring length can be determined by negotiation with staff through compliance with the plan designed by the student and after consultation with staff
- students are only placed on the NO GO list for the duration of the card being used and not for two weeks after the matter has been addressed successfully
- students may be required to complete planning, if on a red card, during sport on Wednesdays and also at lunch time for two days. These planning sessions allow students to think about the issue, formulate strategies to address them and create a plan based on student driven change and modification of behaviour in line with PBL principles and ideals
- both the green and orange cards, used by classroom teachers and Head Teachers, promote immediate contact with parents either through a phone call or letter home to discuss the problem being experienced but also to make parents aware of how it is being addressed, so parents can support the student in line with the plan that has been devised by their son or daughter and our staff
- students can represent the school at sport and other extracurricular activities as soon as the matter has been resolved but not when they are on the card
- monitoring cards are not used across the school day but allow issues from specific areas like the playground, to be addressed, and does not involve areas where the student has demonstrated exemplary behaviour.
For further information please contact Mr Adam Currey - Deputy Principal.